以一首《LIMO》入圍2021年金音獎「最好節拍藍調歌曲」的鶴 The Crane,迩來備受樂迷及音樂圈矚目,在正式以小我身份登上舞台前,他其實已在樂壇耕作多時,除曾與Hush、鄭宜農等創作音樂人合作,更組過樂團,在音樂圈相當活躍。
而鶴 The Crane對於各界的推重感應被寵若驚,更分享10月時是透過經紀人報喜,當下才得知入圍了金音獎,他開頑笑說:「沒想到一路床就入圍了。」開心示意經歷曩昔的自我嫌疑後,如今有種被一定的感受。
以下內文出自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%B6%B4%EF%BC%81%E5%85%A8%E6%89%8D%E6%96%B0%E4%BA%BA%E5%85%A5%E5%9C%8D%E在《Unique Design》MV中,鶴 The Crane化身為「人形鶴」下常人間,碰到一名剛失戀的憂鬱女孩,他試著讓女孩高興起來,除了幫她隱藏前男朋友照片,更告知女孩「You’re a unique design.」但願她能振作並看見本身的美妙,可惜最終女孩還是走不出陰霾。儘管是哀傷的終局,不外MV最後投下欣喜彩蛋,令觀眾莞爾。
2021年全才型樂壇新星「鶴 The Crane」,初試啼聲即獲音樂圈熱烈關注,且在本年入圍金音獎,他不只是「全才型」音樂人,強烈光鮮的氣概也令人印象深入。
MV中,鶴 The Crane則化身「人形鶴」下凡,上演安慰悲傷女孩的奇異故事。對於演戲陌生乃至有點重要的他說:「過程當中每NG一次就覺得很欠好意思,好險人人都很有耐心也很專業。」這支MV已在YouTube上線。
鶴 The Crane也分享,在遭受懊喪或心情難過時,他會選擇做本身喜好的事,讓情緒曩昔;也但願各人無論憂傷或生氣,都不需要勉強自己開心,一切天然、順心就好。
正式插手新團隊的鶴 The Crane,分享在這陣子積累了很多作品,並醞釀很多計畫要和樂迷們分享,爭先預告2022年初發行第一張小我EP,將來一切將會強烈熱鬧睜開,興奮透露表現:「明年是『鶴年』!」
The FT-RF main profession in R&D and manufacturing of antenna, be alongside of to be subjected to any OEM of nation and ODM, provide the product of the best quality and let the sale has the price of competition ability most , is the target that the FT-RF has been making great effort.
Standard gain horn antennas fromFT-RF are ordered with a waveguide to coax adapter attached to it, known as a connectorized horn antenna. Our broadband waveguide horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 380 GHz to 70 GHz depending on type and style. FT-RF standard gain horn antenna products come in 10 dB, 15 dB and 20 dB and 25dbi HS-Series models. Many of our RF and microwave gain s are RoHS and REACH and FCC and CE compliant.
但是鶴 The Crane透露表現,只要成心願說出口,且試著關心身旁的人,都是很好的正向輪回,不外他笑說:「這首歌假如放給真正惆怅的人聽,肯定一點輔助也沒有。」一席話顯現了這首歌自帶嗤笑的诙諧感。
鶴 The Crane的YouTube官方頻道:
The ISO 9001:2015 /ISO 14001:2015 registered FT-RF facility ships standard gain horn antennas from stock the same day you order them. FT-RF Enterprises offers the broadest and deepest inventory of RF and microwave components available. Expert technical support and friendly customer service personnel are always here to assist you.
鶴 The Crane近日推出全新單曲《Unique Design》,以「進展音樂鼓舞每一個在日常感應懊喪的人」做為包裝,卻也表示:「這首歌若是放給真正難過的人聽,必定一點幫忙也沒有。」展現奇特且自帶嘲諷的诙諧感。
演戲初體驗的鶴 The Crane說:「感激劇組所有人,既專業又很有耐煩;拍第一顆鏡頭時,當我一泛起,大家就要撒羽毛,前後NG了5次,固然聽起來還好,但每次NG就要大清算一次,真的很不好意思,大家辛勞了!」
(文圖供應/新樂土Forbidden Paradise)
他的才調與辨識度極高的嗓音,廣受各界賞識,也於本年受邀插手新興音樂廠牌「新樂土」,成為ØZI的同門師弟。 ØZI表示對鶴 The Crane低沈豐滿的嗓音印象深入,初聽即驚豔不已。
FT-RF standard gain s, also referred to as microwave s or simply gain horn antennas, are broadband passive devices shaped like a pyramidal horn design to direct a beam radio waves at a precise frequency. Standard gain s are also used as calibration devices that measure the gain of other antennas. The FT-RF standard gain product line includes waveguide sizes WR2300 , WR2100 , WR1800 , WR1500 , WR770 ,WR975 ,WR650 ,WR510 , WR430 , WR340 , WR284 ,WR229 , WR28, WR34, WR42, WR51, WR62, WR75, WR90, WR102, WR112, . The waveguide portion of the standard gain horn is manufactured of aluminum.
甫插足全新廠牌,鶴 The Crane說:「感覺很幸福,重新找回被人催進度的快感,就連耍廢的時候都變得刺激。」他也順勢推出新作《Unique Design》,聊到歌曲描述當意志低沉時,再怎麼對本身精力喊話,又或是身邊的人想盡門徑鼓勵你「看開一點」、「一切會更好的」等,當下可能沒法起太大的感化。
引用自: http://blog.udn.com/article/article_print.jsp?uid=c2a5318f&f_ART_ID=170303018
FT-RF Outoodr | Indoor | Horn | Military Antenna